As a concerned EDH resident, I do not have the slightest idea of who to believe or what to believe in this standoff with the CSD Board and John Skeel, the recently hired CSD general manager, now on paid administrative leave going on close to five-months. I do believe that John came here with good intentions of performing a job that he has lots of experience in doing and that the CSD Board initially believed he could do.
Therefore, to make sense of all of this, I need to evaluate this from the thirty thousand foot level because it’s not likely that I or the citizens of EDH will ever know the full story. Accordingly, I have to look to where “the buck stops” and to me that is with the CSD Board of Directors. Either the CSD Board FAILED miserably in developing the “right” criteria and traits that are needed for the GM job and hired the wrong person for the position OR they FAILED to hire the right candidate for the right criteria and traits they sought OR they FAILED to support the right candidate with the right criteria and traits OR they FAILED to follow appropriate employment practices for performance problems; either way, the CSD Board FAILED the public in their handling of the general manager hiring. They should be held accountable for this embarrassing and costly debacle for El Dorado Hills and I believe EDH voters will take heed at upcoming elections.
If they don’t get this situation cleared up quickly and, most likely even if they do, they will likely suffer a similar fate like our local EID elected official. The citizens of El Dorado Hills spoke loudly with an overwhelming majority voting in a new candidate to replace a two-term board member at this last election. The citizens of EDH may be too busy to understand who’s right and who’s wrong but in the end they speak volumes about who’s ultimately responsible.